man repairing computer hardware
Who We Are

Our staff includes expert unmanned systems operators and professional electronic and mechanical engineers.  We serve a wide range of clients from the U.S. DoD to local and state governments. 

Terragility also serves international needs and provides services at the location of our clients and their operations  in order to provide consulting and development in the environment the client will be operating in, taking into account the temperatures, density altitude, and other environmental variables present during our client’s operations.  Whether the customer  invested large sums of money into unmanned systems that don’t quite perform to their needs, or they need assistance in sourcing the right hardware and software for their new need or application, Terragility possesses the staff, network, and expertise to get our clients operating safely, efficiently, and with the appropriate equipment. 

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About Our Engineering Consultants

Our company is backed by engineers with the experience and expertise to guide you through our revolutionary techniques efficiently. We are committed to providing services of the highest quality, working rigorously to meet your expectations.


Our Core Values

Our organization pays meticulous attention to developing systematic plans to facilitate the successful completion of engineering and construction projects.

Our team is driven by its goal to provide top-tier consulting services. We work closely with our clients to better understand their vision and goals, create solutions tailored to their needs, and foster long-term partnerships grounded in trust.